The first TITAN Semi-Automatic Drawing-in System was developed in 1950, and TITAN has gained a lot of experience and know-how from the installation of many hundreds of Drawing-in Systems throughout the world.

The newest TITAN development is a complete system for TRANSPORT - DRAWING-IN ( Dropwires - Healds - Reed ) and STORAGE ( of the drawn-in warp with harness ).

The drawing-in process is computer controlled with automatic selection of thread, dropwire and shaft.

With coloured warps the actual thread-colour will be shown on the display.

The system is very economic, because it is labour saving,-it eliminates faults in the shafts and in the reed and it increases the productivity in the weaving department by reducing the downtime when a warp is changed.

In many cases the pay back time is as low as 1-3 years, see pay-back calculation on the following page.

During a working cycle, the end and the drop wire will automatically be selected and aligned. The actual shaft will automatically be lifted 2 cm.

The manual function is to take the heald from the lifted shaft, pass the drawing-in hook through the heald-eye, catch the thread and draw-in.

The next working cycle is initiated by a switch in the handle of the drawing-in hook.

The drawing-in capacity is 600-900 ends per hour, depending on the number of shafts and rows of drop wires.


Advantages of the semi-automatic Titan Drawing-In equipment

1. the operator, who is reaching the thread, is eliminated.

2. No special skills required for the workforce.

3. The drawing-in of the shafts will be without faults, because of the computer-controlled shaft lift.

4. The downtime in the weaving department will be reduced because a drawn-in warp with harness will always be available.

5. Only a short training period for the operators is required.

6. Simplified transportation and handling because the warps remain on the truck from the stockroom to the drawing-in department and further on to the intermediate stock of drawn-in warps ready for transfer to the weaving machine.

7. Existing shafts, healds, drop wires and reeds can be used.

8. The equipment is not sensitive for slight deformations of the healds and drop wires.



The investment depends on the required capacity of the drawing-in installation. The capacity should be sufficient to ensure that a drawn-in warp is always ready when a style change is to be made on a weaving machine. Loss of production will be the consequence when warps are not ready.



The savings are specific for each mill and depends on the actual working conditions. The most obvious saving is , that one operator - the thread reacher - is eliminated. Other savings - deriving from higher product quality, higher productivity and less demand for skilled workforce, - can only be quantified after an analysis of the relevant economic data.


1. One operator is eliminated per drawing-in stand. Yearly cost including social expenses. A:

2. Faultless drawing-in Losses on sales of 2. quality goods is avoided Yearly quantity x price reductions. B:

and/or Mending of faulty fabric is eliminated. C: Yearly cost including social expenses.

3.Increased productivity because of the availability of drawn-in warps and fast changeover. Hours gained per year x profit per hour. D:

4. Easy training of new workers. Estimated yearly savings. E:

Total yearly savings: A + B + C + D + E

Pay back =
total yearly savings


We will be glad to quote you for a drawing -in installation suitable for your weaving machines and with the capacity you require.

When the investment is known, you will be able to make an analysis of the savings and thereby determine the pay back time.

We are sure that many medium sized and bigger mills will find that the TITAN drawing-in system PM offers an attractive economic solution for their Drawing-in Department.



models from 2200 to 4000mm.

Different size stands available. ...........................................................................................


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